By now many people who have been searching for cheap gas on the internet have heard or come across websites that display where you can find the cheapest gas in your area. Probably the most well known site is Now, I don't how useful a website like this to everyone, but here is Michigan we get ridiculous gas prices fluctuations. For example, last night gas averaged $3.84 per gallon and when I went to lunch today it was up to $3.99. So for my area, it's well worth looking for the station that hasn't adjusted there prices just yet.
The site itself works on a basic premise; people log into gasbuddy with an account and post gas prices at specific gas stations. That's basically it in a nutshell, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a bit more to there price gathering techniques.
Whats nice about the site is that you do not need to register to check prices in your area, all you need to do is enter your zip code and bammo, you have a listing of gas stations, locations, and the last price submitted by the user. In my opinion, the site (which is pretty fast) is a little 'busy' looking when you first glance at it. The information is pretty much in the middle, and the ads are not overwhelming (which is nice) but the overall flow of the site throws allot of information tables at you in one setting. Maybe some more defined table borders or something would break it up better, I don't know, but I'm not going to deny the site works very well and is definitely worth taking a look at.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
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